Author Bio

Alex Marshall is Seminarian Intern at the Episcopal Church at Yale (ECY) and a third year Master of Divinity Candidate at Yale Divinity School.  He is a graduate of Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama were he studied Theology and Philosophy.  Alex is very interested in college or campus ministry and youth ministry and is always excited for an opportunity to teach about theology or the Bible and meet with students, especially in an informal setting.

Alex is also a guitarist with experience as a worship leader at churches in Memphis and Birmingham, and as the Worship Coordinator for the Barbara C. Harris Camp operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts where he played with the band 67 Strings, which you can listen to here.

Having grown up in an evangelical, non-denominational church, Alex has since college explored Baptist, Episcopalian/Anglican, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches.  He spent a year working as the Youth Director for a United Methodist Church near Birmingham and was also involved in campus ministry through University Christian Fellowship in Birmingham before moving to New Haven and becoming involved with ECY.  Theologically he attempts to avoid particular labels, but has a great deal of sympathy for the via media that has historically been one of the markers of Anglicanism and is very interested in the opportunities existentialist and post-moderm philosophers open up for theology in the 21st century.

Below are some past speaking engagements and writings.  To contact Alex about speaking at your event, please e-mail him at

Past Speaking Engagements:

“Exploring Different Bible Translations,” First Church of Christ, Clinton, CT, April 13 2011 Lenten Dinner Series

“An Overview of the New Testament,” First Church of Christ, Clinton, CT, March 16, 2011 Lenten Dinner Series

“The Heart of the Gospel- Hope for the Hopeless,” Aldersgate United Methodist Church, July 25, 2010 Worship Service

Online Version:  Part 1 |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5  |  Part 6  |  Part 7

“Matthew and the Prophets- Learning to Follow a God Wiser Than We Are,” Aldersgate United Methodist Church, June 18, 2010 Worship Service

“Shattering Our Expectations- Luke 15,” Aldersgate United Methodist Church, April 25, 2010 Worship Service

Justice and Redemption- Election and Responsibility,” Southeastern Bible College, April 12, 2010 Chapel Service

Publications and Academic Conference Presentations:

"The Church and the Occupy Movement,", December 2011.

“Augustine’s Hermeneutics in a Modern Context,” Society of Biblical Literature New England Regional Meeting, April 2011, Boston, Massachusetts

Reframing the Free Will Debate: An Epistemological Perspective,” Glossolalia 3.1  (December 2010): 87-104.

“Reframing the Free Will Debate: An Epistemological Perspective,” Evangelical Philosophical Society Southeastern Regional Meeting, March 2010, Greenville, South Carolina.


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