Sunday, September 11, 2011

Prayers for Peace on 9/11

This is the form for the prayers of the people we will use tonight at ECY as we remember the national tragedy of 9/11 ten years ago today:

One: From words and deeds that provoke discord, prejudice and hatred,
All: O God, deliver us.
One: From suspicions and fears that stand in the way of reconciliation, 
All: O God, deliver us.
One: From believing and speaking lies about other peoples or nations,
All: O God, deliver us. 
One: From cruel indifference to the cries of the hungry and homeless, 
All: O God, deliver us.
One: From all that prevents us from fulfilling your promise of peace, 
All: O God, deliver us.
One: To the freedom and forgiveness we find in you, 
All: O Risen Christ, deliver us.
One: To the tough task of loving our enemies,
All: O Jesus, deliver us. 
One: To joyful service in your name,
All: O Servant of All, deliver us.
One: To the promise of a new heaven and a new earth,
To the wholeness of justice,
To the power of your peace,
All: O Holy Spirit, deliver us now and in the days to come. 
One: Deliver us from our brokenness, we pray, O God, 
All: and by your grace and healing presence deliver us to You.  
Period of silence during which prayers and petitions may be offered.
Closing Prayer Charge our lives and our churches with the power of your peace, O God. Overcome our fears and self-deceptions with the promise of your presence. Make us signs of your generosity and justice. Light us each day with hope, we pray, so that we may walk in your truth and be love in your Name. Amen.
- Adapted from the World Council of Churches

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